Banning Books In Schools

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School systems have to filter what they teach to students, not only to meet standards, but to also protect the students from certain things. Schools try to make the books that they choose censored, but there are still people who go against certain books being banned from the students or even being allowed to be taught. “Challenges to material in school curricula, according to Censorship of Curriculum Materials, by Jean Marie Aurnague-DeSpain and Alan Bass, generally arise in the following areas: Sex and Drug education; Literature showing children challenging parents and authorities; teaching evolution without referring to creationism; showing women behaving in nontraditional ways” (Education World 8). One of the books that come into question …show more content…

Constitution” (Education World 8). The ‘Opponents’ feel like their freedom is violated by school boards taking away books from children. Which is seemingly against the Constitution. However, “On the one hand, advocates of banning certain books maintain that children in grades K-12 will be harmed if we don't protect them from inappropriate material” (Education World 8). Most things that do not need to be presented to children and teens are: drug education, violence, going against authorities, profanity, and unreal creationism. Creationism is the doctrine that the true story of the creation of the universe is as it is recounted in the Bible, especially in the first chapter of Genesis. Also, “School boards are legally responsible for what is taught in a district, according to U.S.court in general”(Education World 8). So basically anything that goes against Common Core Standards, all fingers are pointed at the school board for allowing any suggestive material into the school …show more content…

Some of the myths we see in this novel are different gods. “She who was created to battle a demon who could not be killed by any god or man. ‘Oh Kali, my mother of bliss! Enchantress of the almighty Shiva, in thy delirious joy thou dancest, clapping thy hands together. Thou art the mover of all that moves, and we are thy helpless toys’”(Clare). Both Kali and Shiva are both true mythical gods, both being related to darkness and death. But knowing that apparently all the myths are true in this piece of literature, means that certain demonic monsters such as dragons and hydras should also be included. However, in the book it does not mentation any other types of different

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