Banning Book Essay

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The Role of Book Banning in a Developing Society
Is book banning necessary or unnecessary in a society? This has been the center of debate throughout literary history. The practice of banning books is a form of censorship, from political, legal, religious, moral, or commercial motives. While some believe that book banning benefits a society by keeping harmful material away from individuals, book banning isn’t necessary in a society because it restricts freedom of speech and conversation, and denies the appreciation of great literary work.
Banning books restricts freedom of speech and conversation. “Censors ban books to prevent the dissemination of thoughts and ideas they have deemed dangerous, and a book may be banned due to moral, religious, …show more content…

“Some parents oppose having their children exposed to fiction that doesn’t have a happy ending, teach a moral lesson, or provide noble role models. If these and other individual preferences were legitimate criteria for censoring materials, school curricula would narrow to only the least controversial—and probably least relevant—material. It would hardly address students' real concerns, satisfy their curiosity or prepare them for life.” (Censorship in Schools). Banning books or censoring material eliminates the true components that create each literary work. Not all books have happy endings or provide godly figures, but that is the beauty of storytelling. Without the vast set of elements that make up a novel, it would be harder to address real situations or help prepare individuals for life ahead. When society bans books it denies the appreciation of great literary works that hold powerful meaning which helps shape the lives of …show more content…

Although this may be true, School Libraries Should Not Restrict Access to Any Books article thinks otherwise. “What's obscene is that kids who are maltreated often grow up angry and depressed and anxious and desperate. They experience crippling difficulties in school, in social relations and in all matters of self-esteem. They use the language I use in the story and worse because it is all they have to try to match what is inside to the outside world.” (Crutcher). The article explains that humans make sense of our emotions through knowledge and information gathered from books. Without these literary resources kids can lack self-esteem and can become sad. Overall, some may believe that book banning benefits a society by keeping harmful material away from individuals, it can almost harm a society due to the lack of relatable information given to a growing society.
In conclusion, book banning isn’t necessary in a society because it restricts freedom of speech and conversation, and denies the appreciation of great literary work. Restricting freedom of speech and conversation can only decrease a society's growth. Also without appreciation for great literary work, there will be no resources for individuals to find a personal connection and understanding with. Overall, is book banning necessary or unnecessary in a

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