Banned Books: The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald

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Banned Book Essay

“So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.”
The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald
This sentence is a very famous quote that has helped change the meaning of literature today. Many times throughout history books such as a classic like The Great Gatsby have been banned for an assortment of reasons. Such fine literature as The Great Gatsby should not be banned. Although it may have some vulgar language doesn’t mean it is not a book that will help students learn. People are making books banned for kids at school because they think they have topics in them that kids shouldn’t be exposed such as sexuality, religion, and violence. Although these topics are very strong subjects, that doesn’t mean kids shouldn’t be exposed to learning about them. If the kid’s parents are okay with them reading certain books they should be able to read them. Kids should be able to decide what they read with their parents consent because it will help them mature and grow as a person by being exposed to many topics. Based on the article that we read in class we see how a classic like ‘Of Mice and Men’ can be questioned to be banned because of illogical reasons. …show more content…

In this time period most kids have access to learning about what they want from the internet. Books are a better source to learn information from. In the book ‘Of Mice and Men’ readers learn about things such as friendship, loneliness, and compassion. People seem to think that because this book contains foul language that kids should not be reading at school. Without this language the book would not be as good as it is and kids would not learn the valuable lessons it provides. In all, one reason kids should get to choose what they read with their parent’s consent is because it educated them on topics that will helps kids be better

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