Banned Books

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Challenged and banned books, challenged books are an attempt to be taken from schools, and banned books are taken away from schools and libraries completely. This processes of thinking, that people are unable to handle what is written shows that we are offended way too easily. Challenged and banned books restrict our minds and personalities and imagination from growing, and that is not what I live for. This is one viewpoint on challenged and banned books. Some people actually believe that banned and challenged books are a good thing, there are things that adults believe should not be exposed to children of any age, such as sexual content, language, violence. In a way this is true, we live in an evil corrupt world that children are exposed to everyday just by watching the news or taking the bus, so they try to preserve what innocence is left in the form of books. so should we, or should we not ban books?

Most books are challenged or banned because they are sexually explicit, if they have offensive language or if they are unsuited to any age group (Cynthia A). Between the times of 1990 and …show more content…

The young are easily influenced by their parents and teachers, television, and books. Kids need to be around happy good things their minds don’t need to be corrupted by terrible things in the world just yet. In schools libraries there doesn't need to be books that include inappropriate language or racial slurs and offencive material. They are just kids, they don't need that. Books are wonderful things, but only if they are appropriate and inoffensive. Schools and parents don't their children to go home talking about how there were curse words in their book, or that something happened in which someone died or they did something bad like did drugs. Things along the line of that is why books are banned. Students don't need to be exposed to that kind of

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