Bandicoot Observation

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Jarrett Jones Biology 466 September 2, 2014 Article summary 1 Article summary: Due to human activity, the natural fauna of the world is becoming displaced; this is especially profound in terrestrial mammalian species. This study specifically looks at fragmented land affecting the northern brown bandicoot, Isoodon macrourus, in the city of Brisbane, Australia. The experiment was conducted using mark-recapture methods and radio tracking in order to distinguish bandicoot home ranges, densities, and habitat. It was observed that the bandicoots sheltered during the day in areas with tall, dense grasses and weeds and exhibited nocturnal foraging in urban lawns and recreational areas within small ranges. The study suggests that the grass and weeds provide an ideal habitat for the bandicoots, allowing them to thrive in large populations. Question and hypothesis: The question of the study is how is the northern brown bandicoot adjusting to habitat loss caused by human settlement in Brisbane? The hypothesis is large communities of bandicoots in small areas will observed and will not represent the population data from before the human expansion occurred. Methods: …show more content…

In order to monitor population at various study sites, a mark recapture methods was used for 1.5 years, trapping bandicoots at set intervals. Vital information was collected from all captured bandicoots and they were ear tagged and electronically tagged. After the allotted trapping time, the dynamics of the population was calculated. A subset of individuals had small radio transponders attached to them in the various study areas. This method was used to determine the approximate home ranges of the bandicoots. The amount of bandicoots per area was determined mathematically using the home range size and the recapture

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