Ban The Box Research Paper

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Finding a solution to the problems that returning citizens’ face in reintegrating into the workforce is a necessary prerequisite for accomplishing Economic Growth. Ensuring people with convictions that they have a fair chance to work will not only boost our economy but it is the moral thing to do. Ban the Box is the name of an international campaign by civil rights groups and advocates for ex-offenders, aimed at persuading employers to remove from their hiring applications the check box that asks if applicants have a criminal record. Ban the Box laws would also require hiring managers to put off asking about a candidate’s criminal history until after an interview has been conducted or a provisional job offer has been extended. Some argue that “Ban the Box” is a symbol, not a solution. They state that it offers the appearance of helping those with criminal convictions obtain employment, but in reality, will do the opposite. Not a single returning citizen will gain employment because of this provision. In practice, it will lead to less hiring, and the provision may jeopardize progress on other, more important measures designed to help returning citizens re-integrate into the workforce. Ban The Box will create the perception among employers that it is more risky to hire anyone. When …show more content…

Understanding a jobseekers’ career accomplishments, history at work, and their relationships with previous co-workers is a key to any good job interview. Such an interview will inevitably bring up any period of incarceration. Thus, an employer who finds out about a conviction that a jobseeker doesn’t volunteer upfront is going to feel deceived and will find a reason not to hire. Since the laws don’t forbid background checks altogether, they may actually encourage employers to perform then since they know they can’t ask

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