Ballet's Positive Effects On The Body

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However, few studies have shown that a limited amount of ballet can have some positive affects. Such as, improved posture and balance, that can eventually lead to a long, lean figure. Many models take a ballet class once or twice a weak in order to improve these traits. Additionally, because you must focus on several parts of you body at once, dancing requires absolute concentration, therefore working the brain. Further, few studies have shown that high levels of concentration can lead to reduced stress. The concentration and focus required to perform this art can be a stress reliever. As well as having to concentrate, ballet requires memorization of steps and routines. Some cases have shown that due to the high muscle memory required, ballet has the possibility of reducing the risk of dementia. As well, It may help improve the symptoms of Parkinson's disease. Due to the fact that the regular participation can improve balance and coordination which are both symptoms of the disease. Moreover, professional sport players have discovered that ballet helps them excel in most of their sport. It improves posture and poise and strengthens muscles, all key characteristics you must have as an athlete. (menzies). Nevertheless, most of these positive impacts can be overshadowed by …show more content…

Onstage dancers smile and tell a story like nothing is wrong, but when they come of stage they are screaming due to the unbearable pain they are in. This faced can then lead to dance therapy, the idea that you can’t feel anything when you are on stage. Many dancers believe this “dance therapy to be a positive thing. Especially However, this can cause more damage because they might nor realize a serious injury when it occurs. Dancers usually ignore the toll ballet takes on their bodies. A dancer said, “ the hiding of pain is so ingrained into our art behavior, it’s almost a part of the training that occurs (Maria

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