Ballet is Everything

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What is ballet? Why do it? Ballet is a type of dance. Dance is a type of art that generally involves the movement of the body. There are several types of dances, such as modern, which is a mixture of smooth movements but also sharp movements. Jazz is mostly composed of sharp actions and varying the heights of the dancer. Ballet is a form of dance characterized by conventional steps, classy poses, and graceful movements including leaps and spins. It originated in the courts of the Italian Renaissance and later developed in Russia and France. By looking at ballet’s sophisticated artistic movements, its level of training, and its spiritual aspect, you can see why this classic dance is so treasured by many.
Ballet is a category of art where dancers use their bodies to charmingly tell a story. It has been around for centuries. The first recorded performance was in the 1400s, during the Renaissance. Ballet unites aspects of painting, poetry, dancing, and music. It may convey a story or a comedy, express a mood, or simply reflect the music. It may paint a picture of sadness or joy. The story of the Nutcracker, Cinderella and many alike are made alive on the stage with the movement of these ballerinas. In the Nutcracker, snowflake dancers flit, float, and fly in the winter flurry. Cinderella and her prince waltz gracefully in the ballroom. These are just some illustrations of dancers using their bodies to elegantly communicate their imaginative expression of the story.
In addition to being used as an artistic demonstration, ballet can also be used as a sport. There is a saying among ballerinas, “Ballet. Like sport, only harder.” Why harder? you might think. It is undertaken mostly by girly girls. It is demanding because...

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... questions that apply to the theme of the month. The teachers really help the dancers mature in their relationship with God. Instead of focusing on the worldly aspects of dancing, Christian dance schools teach the dancers that their ability to dance is a gift from God, and dance can be used as an act of worship.
By looking at the artistic, the sporty, and the spiritual aspects of ballet, hopefully you have gained more understanding of why ballerinas dance, and why the art of ballet is prized by many. Some dance just for artistic reason. Some do it for exercise. Some dance for worship. A small minority of us try to strive for all three. We dance because it is a gift from God, and we can use our body and dance to honor Him. It is also a great activity to keep us in shape. Dance is such an amazing art and a great sport, so why not take a class near your home soon?

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