Baking Soda Benefits

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Baking soda is something that many of us use when we are baking. It can also be used to clean up your home. Additionally, you can mix baking soda with water and drink it. Doing this can benefit your health in many ways. Below is a list of some of the benefits of drinking baking soda water:

Protect Your Tooth Enamel

Lemon juice and other acidic foods and beverages have a tendency to corrode your teeth. You can protect your teeth from corrosion by drinking baking soda water. Gargling baking soda water can also protect your teeth.

Acts An Antacid

Baking soda can neutralize acid. That is why it can benefit people who are suffering from acid reflux disease. Acid reflux disease occurs when stomach acid moves up into the esophagus. This can cause heart burn. Because drinking baking soda water can neutralize stomach acid, it …show more content…

Acid is important because it helps your body digest food. However, it is important to note that diseases are more likely to thrive in an acidic environment. Arthritis, cancer and osteoporosis are just a few of the many conditions that have been linked to high acid levels in the body.

If you make your body more alkaline, then you can potentially reduce your risk of developing serious health conditions. Furthermore, baking soda water is great for detoxifying your body. Drinking baking soda water is one of the simplest things you can do in order to improve your health.

Treat Urinary Tract Infection

A urinary tract infection is a type of bacterial infection that affects the bladder, kidneys, urethra or ureter. Most us will have a urinary tract infection at some point in our lives. If you are a woman, then you are at an even greater risk of developing a urinary tract infection. Baking soda water can help alleviate urinary tract infection symptoms by reducing the acidity of your urine. You can get faster relief by drinking cranberry juice along with baking soda

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