Bad Society In A Christmas Carol

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A key to a good society is one in which each person has equal opportunity. The U.S.A has a good society because no matter, your situation, reputation you still have the chance to make something of your future. However, not everyone has that opportunity. In other countries you can 't overcome your situation or poverty you were born in. However, if a person in a position realizes this then they can make a change for the better. In “A Christmas Carol”, Charles Dickens uses the protagonist, Scrooge, to illustrate that a society can be effected by the heart of one person. One way Scrooge was causing a bad society was because of his greed and selfishness. When Charles Dickens wrote this book he was using Scrooge to refer to the communist government …show more content…

Scrooge answered the question by stating “Are there no prisons”?(Dickens 9) Scrooge viewed poor people as unimportant and useless to society. This outlook caused poor people to remain in the state of poverty.In this economy the poor remain poor and the rich remain rich. There is no way to get out of the poor state you are in. Scrooge was being selfish and not thinking about other people. However, at this stage of his life it 's hard for him to realize that the choices he is making is bad.”The chain I forged in life”.(Dickens 31) Marley was just like Scrooge in terms of he was only worried about himself and didn 't care about others. Now he is wearing chains and is condemned to misery after failing to benefit others and be of any use. Scrooge never realized that Marley was in this state and he doesn 't realize that he will be in the same position if he does not change. However, in the society the rich don 't necessarily realize the affect they have on others. In fact at first Scrooge refuses to believe that he actually sees Marley. Dickens uses this to symbolize how people can be blinded by reality. By not recognizing that what you are …show more content…

Bob has not only been overworked but is underpaid. Bob has a son, Tiny TIm who is likely to die unless his family is able to make more money to keep him alive. However Scrooge fails to see the concerns and needs of his employer and continue to underpay him. Dickens refers in communism that the government fails to see the needs. In the book the society was being affected by the selfish decisions of one person, Scrooge. However, Charles Dickens did not literally mean one person. He was referring to government or rich people. A certain group that relate in their views and class. In order for the society to change the group of peron must change. However one reason that it is so hard for them to change is greed. In fact, Dickens shows that the ultimate downfall of society is greed. When people get greedy and only care about themselves you won 't have a nation in which everyone will benefit and prosper. In the government the people only cared about what they had and didn 't want to share any wealth with the poor. When greed comes in your heart it can cause you to make decisions that aren 't good for you. Scrooge was so caught up in his money that it causes him to lose

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