Bad Sitting Posture Essay

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I sat in my desk chair—as I do for about six hours every day—slouched over, perusing the Internet...

I came across an article from MTV entitled “16 Times Taylor Swift's Posture Was Nearly Inhuman," and found myself practically picking my chin up off my desk to sit straight up... I hadn't even realized I was so hunched over.

It's a fairly well agreed upon fact that Taylor Swift is a superhuman, but I too wanted this nearly inhuman posture! I wondered though—on top of how to attain this perfect posture—why exactly is posture so important?

The Wall Street Journal reported on the subject of posture, most specifically about the postural position you assume in your work chair. In the article "How Bad Sitting Posture at Work Leads to Bad Standing …show more content…

Limited lung capacity is not fun, so sit up straight, breathe deep, and work that diaphragm muscle!
Sitting to Standing

Often if your posture is poor when you're sitting at your desk, or even in your car, it will carry over into your stride. So keep your shoulders back and head up (see the world at a whole new angle!). And watch that tailbone—a common reaction to what feels like good posture is swinging your tailbone out, creating a slope in the lower back, so be sure to tuck that tailbone in.

Ever notice that the people who hold their heads high and walk tall seem like they're exuding confidence and power? Well, they are. Good posture can actually help you with your self-esteem, confidence, and mood.

Sleeping posture is important too! Sorry, belly dreamers, but rumor has it sleeping on your stomach isn't so great. Sleeping on your back, or on your side with a pillow between your knees, are you better options for less pain and better alignment.

So now I shall sit, stand, and sleep with good posture—take that Tay

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