Bad Romance By Deb Macleod Summary

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Since the United States of America became a union, women have been shown less opportunities than men. This has created situations in which women wanted to stand out to show what the are fighting for. In the music video, “Bad Romance” by Deb Macleod , she expresses how women desire their liberty. She utilizes specific symbolizes to set her message across to the viewers such as their physical appearance, actions, and the use of color. With this in consideration, Macleod right off the bat starts with the women having their faces covered in a cloth and wearing dresses, which at the time seemed to be the “appropriate” way they were suppose to be dressed. Women at the time were seen to always be covered and shown as “lady like.” They also have …show more content…

With all their movements such as their dancing and lady chores, they all seemed passionless and stiff due to what was seemed to be fit for a woman. Once the mother gave the baby to the father, he looked at her with confusion and did not know what how to proceed with this situation. Women were seen to have the responsibility of staying home while men worked all day. Once women received their suffrage, each movement blossomed as they began to enjoy their lives again. Each dance move began to have rhythm and their chores were no longer a torment. As for the father, he began to take more responsibility as a parent should have. In the same manner, the lack of lighting at the beginning showed the women’s inability of the enclosure they have. However, at the end, the newfounded light shows the women's freedom as an individual. With this new bill that was finally ratified after much conflict, it constructed new roles for both men and women to unify as one. Women’s suffrage was an emotionally brutal fight that lead to tremendous triumphs in order to receive their freedom. Most women believed they deserved the equal rights as men do, but men tried to terminate their beliefs, although they eventually failed. Macleod expresses the women's rights movement through a video with symbols that pertain to their physical appearance, actions and the increase and decrease of the lighting with the message of how women finally gained the rights they

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