Bad Body Image

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Advertisements have been around for decades. Companies use ads for one simple reason, to sell. A person can can come into contact with ads all over the place. Some examples of where ads can be found are on the television, the radio, billboards, and public transportations. With the constant contact there is no wonder that ads have an influence in today’s culture. The message given off can be positive or negative. Sadly it is most often bad messages given to it’s consumers. The targeted audience can end up with poor perceptions of what the ideal body should be like. Body image can be defined as the way a person perceives themselves when they look into the mirror or a person’s mental and emotional image of themselves (National Eating Disorder …show more content…

There is such a thing as too skinny. Which a lot of models are considered to be. Young adolescents will look to these models as inspiration of what they should look like. Although, many of the adolescents fall into the ninety-five percent and go through extreme measures trying to be like the models. Some may even end up having an eating disorder such as bulimia nervosa, anorexia nervosa, and binge eating disorder. All of these disorders can lead to serious health complications and even death. Other girls can develop depression and anxiety. Depression can be result of low self-esteem one tends to have when they do not feel as if they reach the norm expectations. People who are depressed tend to become isolated and have higher chances of committing suicide. A person’s genetic makeup is in control of a person's probability of becoming tall or the speed of their metabolism. For some of the girls not being able to control one’s body composition can make them anxious. The thought of all the health problems that can come from advertisement is actually disturbing. One false image of “true beauty” can have a domino effect on a woman’s health and it’s not for the

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