Aztec Mythology: Origin Story And Major Gods

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Aztec Mythology: Origin Story and Major Gods
The ancient Aztecs had many gods that were associated with lots of different things that were important to their culture and their survival. They also held lots of ceremonies to celebrate and appease the gods, who were temperamental. If you displeased the gods they would make you suffer. Alot of their ceremonies involved sacrifice, they were a gory civilization. A few of their more major gods were: Huitzilopochtli, Quetzalcoatl, Tezcatlipoca, Xipe Totec, Ometecuhtli/Omecihuatl, and a few more minor gods like Tlaloc. (The beginning story and god description paragraphs)
The Aztecs believed that in the beginning was the void. It was at some ancient time in the Aztec creation story that the dual god, …show more content…

His main powers and what he was in control of included, evil, the night, and sorcery. He was a god that was to train all the young warriors. Tezcatlipoca was called a few different things. On one side he was Red Tezcatlipoca of the West. To the other side he was Black Tezcatlipoca of the North, associated with death and cold. According to legend, he was a vengeful god whose special power was being able to see and punish all of the evil going on everywhere in the world. Tezcatlipoca is important because of the myth related to him. The Aztecs believed in one high god Ometeotl, the original creator. Tezcatlipoca had a brother Quetzalcoatl, the god of good, knowledge and learning. They were born enemies, which is predictable considering one is the god of good and one is the god of evil. It all started in a city called Tollan. Quetzalcoatl was the king and high priest of the city but was deceived by his brother Tezcatlipoca and his followers. Tezcatlipoca was more into sacrifice and violence. Later he forced Quetzalcoatl into exile. They ended up having a legendary fight between the two which resulted in the world being created after the attempt of five suns (Doyle and …show more content…

Quetzalcoatl had many great powers. Through his powers he was able to, with a lot of work, bring people back from the dead. Because he was the god of Knowledge and learning, Quetzalcoatl-Ehécatl and his brother Tezcatlipoca were in charge of the creation. He helps control the earth, sea, and night sky because he created it. When the brothers separated the sky from the earth, they even turned into the trees that held the two apart, earnings the names of Quetzalhuéxotl an Tezcacoatltl . Quetzalcoatl had life giving abilities but were very difficult to use. He went on a voyage by himself and stole the bones of the dead from the underworld.When he returned to the home of the gods . He ground the bones and mixed them with his blood, creating the first humans of the 5th (and current) sun, The Aztecs. A myth related to this god was the story of kukulcan. Another extremely powerful god (Julia,

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