Ayurvedic Treatment Options for Cervical Cancer

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The traditional Indian medicine known as Ayurvedic Medicine, originated over 5,000 years ago. It emphasizes on re-establishing the balance within the body through diet, lifestyle, exercise, and body cleansing, and on the health of the mind, body, and spirit. Today it is used as it has been for many years to help treat certain types of cancer - with cervical cancer being one of them.

Over the last ten years, Ayurvedic medicine has been growing in popularity in North America, due in part to the work of Deepak Chopra, M.D., an Indian doctor, writer, and speaker who has both promoted it's abilities, and influenced it's use alongside modern-day medicines to help cure cancer. However, most people have not even heard of Ayurvedic medicine, let alone actually used it.

What is Ayurvedic medicine?

Originating from India, Ayurvedic medicine (Ayurveda) has been around for over 5,000 years. It emphasizes on re-establishing the body's balance through diet, life-style, exercise, body cleansing, and on the health of the mind, body and spirit - and similar to Chinese medicine, it is a "whole medicine system." That is to say - it is based on both the theories and methods of preventing and treating health and illness.

How is Ayurvedic medicine prescribed?

In Ayurvedic medicine; it is believed that the tongue may offer certain clues to the areas of the body that may be out of balance (also the skin, lips, nails, and eyes are observed). This will allow for the practitioner to determine an individual's balance of doshas (a person's individual differences [vata - space and air, kapha - water and earth, and pitta - fire and water]) or metabolic types.

Also the patient's prakuti (the constitution and essential nature of an individual) is determined ...

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...o attack the tumor and to act on the lymph and blood tissues which help prevent metastases.

This high dosage, aggressive, and prolonged treatment (6 - 9 months) does seem to pull many cervical cancer sufferers into a state of remission (the treatment course has been successfully carried out [not meaning the cancer patient is no longer at risk from a recurrence of the disease, or has been cured]) where a noticeable quality of life and an improved survival rate has be documented.

However, there may actually be a certain amount of doubt as to whether Ayurvedic medicine can actually cure cervical cancer completely; although, there are positive indications to show it has a certain amount of ability to cure. As yet, there is still insufficient evidence to either confirm or deny Ayurvedic medicine's ability to be a suitable contender in the fight against cervical cancer.

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