Axial Skeleton Essay

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Axial and Appendicular Skeleton

The axial skeleton is the central part of the skeleton. The skull, spine, ribs and breastbone make the axial skeleton up.

The appendicular skeleton consists of the remaining bones. These are 'attached' to the axial skeleton.



[IMAGE] This is the top seven vertebrae from the neck downwards. The top two bones are the atlas and axis. They let us to shake and nod out head. All the other vertebrae also help with movement of the neck and head, such as bending and twisting.


This is made up of twelve vertebrae and are level with the chest and connect with the ribs. This allows a slight bit of movement.

Lumbar ====== …show more content…

Coccyx ======

This is the base of the spine which consists of four vertebrae directly fused together. Groin muscles are joined here.



This is the connective tissue, which is found in a variety of forms around the human body. Our entire skeleton is made up of cartilage when we are born. As we grow older cartilage is gradually replaced my bone. This is known as ossification. In long bones, the cartilage in the shaft is the first area to be converted into bone, followed by the head.

There are three types of cartilage in the human body:

1. Yellow Elastic Cartilage is very flexible and it provides shape for the ear lobe and the tip of the nose.

2. White Fibro cartilage is tougher but less elastic and it acts as a shock absorber. It is found between the vertebrae of the spine and also in the knee to prevent bones from jarring.

3. Blue Articular Cartilage is found at joints and covering the ends f bones, it has a slippery surface and prevents bone from wearing. Snovial fluid is also

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