Axe's Make Love Not War Campain

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Everyone knows the classic representation of a manly man: tall, handsome, muscular, dark hair, facial hair, etc. but there is more to it than just physical features. It includes the clothes he wears, how he stands, the look on his face, whether or not the man has a sense of power that one can see radiating from his body. Axe’s Make Love Not War Campaign is no different in this aspect. However in this specific advertisement the company takes a new approach in the way the man acts toward his significant other in a time of struggle (in this ad being war). Instead of having the man not care about his woman when there is something as grave as a war going on the man chooses to put his woman first and promote peace instead of violence. Axe’s Peace commercial defies the normal thinking about men during wartime, but it worked and they created a great plot twisting commercial. he ad uses pathos in order to try and get the viewer to care about the people in the ad and make them believe in the slogan “Make Love Not War”. The ad opens up with frightening music that you would find in an important scene of a movie. This serves the purpose of setting the mood for the advertisement; it creates the feeling of a tense situation. The ad shows many clips of leaders and soldiers during wartime, but during this it sends a powerful message. The message being that real men put their guns down and fights for his women not for his country. He promotes peace with a powerful message. They are many other ways to settle the mood. IN many of the clips, the climate looks gloomy and it almost looks like it is shaded grey, except in one of the clips with women having red lipstick and red heels. Which represent power, emotion and the need of something. Th... ... middle of paper ... ...ruly care about. It shows how the stereotypes of war, lose their weapon and love their love ones like it should be. This ad is directly to the men in society who wants to be bold and show their love ones who you really care about. To understand this ad, you have know about war, but specially the Vietnam/Korean war, also the Iraq because the character are based on the leaders or soldiers during those wars. It kind of weird they used war and peace to promote a bodyspray, but with partnership that AXE got into made it possible by saying the message, only real men can promote peace and show who they really love, which is not their country, but their love ones. The ad attracts many “men” to try it and it attracts many Americans because it America war is a touchy,but big topic. But men decided to put their guns down and show your love ones who you really care about.

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