Axe Peace Commercials

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Commercials can be an annoying, boring and go on about stuff that some people might not care about. Although, some do have good intentions and messages like the Axe Peace commercial by the Axe company. Axe is a company that makes men's shower gel, body sprays, deodorant, and hair care products. Axe recently came out with a new product called Axe Peace, which is exactly what they are trying to promote by coming up with this product, peace. The ad shows many different war situations in which they end up to be not as they seem. Now to the question at hand, is this commercial effective in terms of getting the potential customers to feel something about the product and buy it in the future? The Axe company and commercials have always been successful in getting customers to buy into their products. This is because they touch upon all different aspects in life such as war and women. Axe Peace is a commercial showing many different viewpoints. Whether those views are through the women's, men's, soldiers, or dictator. The directors were smart here as it shows the emotions and standpoints from each of the characters in the commercial. It starts off by showing different war scenarios that the United States has been through, first it shows the middle eastern dictator carrying in a brief case that looks to be highly dangerous, the panzer tank from World War II rolling in over a baby dolls head, the North Korean leader saluting his soldiers, and finally helicopters rolling in, storming over Vietnam. The dictator opens the brief case and reveals buttons that could be used to control missiles, next a Vietnamese woman walks towards a helicopter and the American soldier is running towards her with an M-16 rifle. Now, here is where the wh... ... middle of paper ... by wearing Axe Peace a person gains confidence to go above and beyond for the ones they love, and to be daring and go against what society thinks and wants them to do. Pathos tied in the emotional side of the audience by using the military situations and by showing that through hard times, the people a person loves should come first. Ethos was not a factor in the effectiveness but did show that Axe is a very powerful company that has a huge market to sell to. This can be a highly emotional topic that pulls the viewer in and makes them feel as if they need to have it. Because of this, Axe will make even more money off this product and even more in the future with different products. Overall this commercial is highly effective and Axe did a great job with it. Works Cited "AXE PEACE | Make Love, Not War (Official :60)." YouTube. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Apr. 2014.

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