Avo Active Naturals Greenwashed Case Study

869 Words2 Pages

Brandi Marshall
Bradford Nadziejko
Eng. 101
07 April 2017
Aveeno Active Naturals Greenwashed
“We believe nature has the power to make life beautiful-to nourish, soothe and even transform.” This is quoted from Aveeno’s mission statement telling its audience they believe in using natural ingredients to ensure natural beauty. Aveeno is mainly targeted to women especially those with skin disorders and hair deficiencies such as eczema and other dermatological issues, to improve their skin to becoming more healthy. Their products were established in 1945, up to the present time it has evolved a lot including the company rebranding of their name to Aveeno Active Naturals. The rebranding of their name contradicts the negative impact they have had on the environment over the years, …show more content…

Aveeno Active naturals primarily has a target market of middle-aged caucasian women. They currently use the television and film celebrity actress Jennifer Aniston from the show “F.R.I.E.N.D.S to promote their products. This company is advertised as being about natural beauty, finding different ingredients (that are all-natural and non-manufactured) that help prompt skin improvement in women who have skin conditions such as eczema.

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