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Amphitrite- The salty one
Amphitrite is the goddess and queen of the sea. Many people believed she was the daughter of Either Nereus and Doris She was one of 100 other children they had together, they were known as the Nereids (the daughters of Nereus) . She was married to the god of the sea Poseidon. He first saw her dancing on the island of Naxos, and he instantly fell in love. When he sued for her hand in marriage she ran to Atlas to keep herself pure to her true love Delphin, the god of the dolphins. Her true love surely found her and told her to marry Poseidon, for bringing her back,Poseidon sent Delphin to be among the stars and gave him a space in heavan. They lived in a golden palace under the sea near Aegea, Happier then ever. (Atsma)
When people decided her, many said she was the personification of the sea. Many also said she was very similar to Therassa, the spirit of the sea. When people painted her, many had her a young women with her hands raised with her fingers in a pinching look. some other artist had her holding a fish, because she is the goddess of the sea and they also had her riding on marine animals. Most pictures have her hair tied up in a net with horns. Some other paintings have her driving Poseidon in a chariot, drove by sea horses and other awesome sea creatures of the sea. The way people remember her is the way she danced with her sisters, They said her voice use to bring fish from all over the sea(Atsma)
People believed that all the fish and creatures in the ocean are Amphitrites offsprings with Poseidon. Amphitrite and Poseidon did have three children, the first born was the fish tailed boy named Triton, the messenger of the sea, the first girl named Rhodes, the goddess of the island Rhodes, and th...

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... who Amphitrite was and how women are now theirs many similarities. capricious and stubborn, and she used her beauty when she needed it. She was very opinionated, and judged many people on look and attitude. She always had to make her beauty noticeable, she always wanted all eyes on her. But she was very caring when it came to children she was there for the birth of Apollo, and helped Leto knowing her husband wouldn’t do the same. She helped out with anything as much as she could , She helped Theseus find the ring King Minos through in the ocean. He didn’t believe he was a child of Poseidon so he trough the ring in the sea for him to find it. Amphitrite grabbed it and placed right in Theseus hand. (Wiik)
Many people never really heard of Amphitrite but she was a very important Goddess to Poseidon and all the beautiful sea animals she helped raise and create .

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