Autogenic Training Essay

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Autogenic Training
Autogenic Training is known as a relaxation technique that is used to re-establish the balance between the activity of the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous system , which controls many of the bodies involuntary functions (i.e. contractions of the heart muscles, breathing, digestive process) . Anyone looking to use Autogenic Training can teach it to themselves by using resources found in books or on the internet. It is also used by health care providers (psychiatrists, psychologists, etc.) to treat mental health problems. The main basis of the technique is to learn about your own conditions, moods, thoughts, and behaviours. It teaches how to take control of your life and how to respond to challenging situations with healthy coping skills .
This form of relaxation therapy involves autosuggestion. Autosuggestion is the influencing of your own attitudes, behaviour, or physical condition by mental processes other …show more content…

Each of these phases takes between 14-21 days of the 3-month timeframe. Focus the beginning of each session on the dominant side of the body. If you write with your right hand, start on that side and vice versa for left-handed people.
Breathing is an integral part of this therapy. During the sessions, remember to take deep, even breaths. Each part of the breath goes along with different phrases that are specific to the phases of the exercises. During the inhaled breath, repeat the first part of the phrase, and during the exhaled breath, repeat the second part. For example, the phrase used to end every session is “I feel supremely calm” and is shown like this: I feel/supremely calm. When inhaling say “I feel” and “supremely calm” when exhaling. The phrases can either be said aloud or in your head depending on persons’ individual

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