Autism Spectrum Disorder Analysis

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The National Institute of Mental Health defines autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) as, “A group of developmental disorders. People with ASD often the following characteristics; ongoing social problems that include difficulty communicating and interacting with other; repetitive behaviors as well as limited interests or activities; symptoms that hurt the individual’s ability to function socially, at school, work, etc.” (National Institute of Mental Health, 2016) A recent study showed that autism is affecting roughly 1 in every 110 children and that rate is continuing to climb 10%-17% per year (Meadan, Halle, & Ebata, 2010). When looking at gender it is known that males are affected 4.5 times higher than their female counterparts (Rice & Centers …show more content…

One study confirmed that siblings reported the negative aspect of having a brother/sister with autism is feeling of embarrassment (Orsmond & Seltzer, 2007). Jealousy is also big in these households as well. Parents have to tend more to the child with autism which can cause the normal sibling to act out in order to gain some attention (Autism Society, 2011). Communication can also be a barrier amongst siblings as well. Orsmond & Selter also noticed siblings aged 8-15, 84% reported aggression produced by their brother/sister with autism when trying to interact with them (Orsmond & Seltzer, 2007). Forty percent of siblings reported by their mothers, were experiencing sever adjustment problems. This level of adjustment was related to major depressive disorder being found in siblings of children with autism (Ross & Cuskelly, …show more content…

“Applied Behavior Analysis is the process of systematically applying interventions based upon the principles of learning theory to improve socially significant behaviors to a meaningful degree” (Baer, Wolf & Risley, 1968; Sulzer-Azaroff & Mayer, 1991). Parents play a big role in the ABA treatment. Research shows children with ASD whose parents are engaged in the process make measurable gains (Johnson, C.R., et al. 2007. With ABA parents become the assistant to the therapist. They are able to give insight information that the therapist wouldn’t be able to collect on their own. When the child is in the parents care at home, they are able to record their child’s process and report back to the

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