Autism Argumentative Essay

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Autism is a big battle to fight among kids and adults. Autism is something that can not be cured. It is something that changes the way you act or how you see the world. Take Temple Grandin for example, she has autism but she did not let that stop her. She sees something and her mind takes a “picture” and she remembers it. Others remember stuff by writing it down. Autism also affects how you behave. Sometimes you can not control yourself because you are so mad or sad so you have to figure out how to calm down. Like how Temple used her squeeze machine to calm down. Autism is a condition that affects the brain. It may change the way you think, walk, or talk. They get autism between 12 and 18 months of age. Another major factor is with autism 35% of adults who have autism have not received a higher education after high school, in addition to no job. It cost $8,600 extra dollars to educate an Autistic child in school. It is estimated that one in every sixty-eight kids are on the spectrum. 3.5 million Americans live with autism, while in the United Kingdom 1% of the citizens are diagnosed. The prevalence of autism has increased by 6 to 15 percent from 2002 to 2010. Although there is no sign for a cure in the near future, there are ways many people are trying to make the people on the spectrum feel accepted and part of this is for people to be Some of the main signs of Autism at an early age are: delayed or no speech, wants to be alone, have little social skills, and resists physical contact. There are precise behaviors and actions that are common in autism and could indicate that a child is on the autism spectrum. Also, males are about 4 times more likely to have autism than females. Autism is mainly characterized by repetitive behaviors, communication difficulties, social impairments, and cognitive impairments. Some of the main symptoms are: hyperactivity, short attention span, unusual eating and sleeping habit, and unusual mood or emotional behaviors. The symptoms of different Autistic people may vary. One person may have very little symptoms while another may have very serious symptoms. As it is known, there is no known cure for autism, however, that does not mean it can not be treated. The treatments for autism also vary given that autism does affect people differently. That makes it difficult to find the right treatments and therapies for each person. Also, even though a person’s autism is being treated it will only help bring down the

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