Australia's Rainforest Research Paper

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Australia is a very dry and thinly populated country. Because of the climate variation, Australia is so dry. So, first of all, is it because of the island? Is it because of the desert? Or is it because of the climate? Australia is the 6th largest country. Australia is a continent, as well as an island. As an island, the island has cities and places. The population in Australia is 24.8 million.
The northern territory of Australia has more tropical influenced by the climate, hot and humid in the summer and makes it quite warm and dry in winter while the southern territory is cooler and sometimes rainy winters. As water moves in a different direction and as well as the earth turns clockwise the sun hits different countries heats the place. The …show more content…

Australia often has droughts, the most place that has droughts are South Australia. Australia undergoes the most variable of rainfall patterns that are there in the world. The most pertinent reason for this must be the location which is to the extreme south and in relation to the tropics and the equator. The variation in the rainfall is also due to the atmospheric pressure changes at sea level spread over the eastern and the western regions of the southern Pacific Ocean. This occurs due to the changes happening periodically in the seas’ surface temperature. The effects of warm and cool currents cause the changes in temperature in the land around. El Nino is the effect of warm currents and the effect of cool currents is La Nina. Walker situation is the movement of air in the atmosphere. During an El Nino, there is drought and less rainfall than in necessary causing the so-called ‘dryness’ in Australia.
When there is the El Nino effect, warm currents are experienced through the Pacific coasts of America and it is then that Australia has cold currents along its eastern coasts. Warm currents are good for rainfall due to the circulation of the particles of water in the atmosphere that results in the rain-bearing clouds and causes …show more content…

The rising temperature has many variables of how it affects drought in Australia.
After years of research, the two main scenarios for Australia’s future droughts have been found out. The warmer temperature will make the ocean’s surface temperature increase which will, in turn, cause more evaporation and more rain in the seaboard regions. Secondly, the warm climate of the region will affect the El Nino and the La Nina climatic patterns.
Therefore, these are in general the factors that contribute to our living on a dry continent like Australia. It is only through lots of research and environmental conservation that farmers can be supported to grow a rich harvest every year. Constant research in these fields has been going on which can cause less drought in Australia.
Erosions happen due to the rain and the wind parts of the ground get washed or blown because of the nutrient-rich topsoil to cast away leaving the earth that cannot be used to do farming. And won’t have water to water it. Warmer air encourages more from the surface which helps to further dry climate. Because the sub-tropical high pressure is low and it is very dry the air, dropped most of its moisture in the form of rain over the

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