Australian Mateship Quotes

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Courageous. Mateship. Loyalty. Wild. These are typical words Australians would use to define themselves. But, really, what is it to be Australian? Who’s an Australian? It’s a rather perplexing topic, indeed. Years had passed. And, the definition of Australian identity has dramatically changed since Australia itself has existed. As a person, myself who’s from a Chinese background, I have struggled to define myself as an Australian. Traditional literatures placed those with different heritage, and those who don’t fit the guideline, to feel unaccepted and un-welcomed. However, nowadays contemporary literatures have opened up a new world and changed the ideology. This showed young Australians to see beyond the traditional Australian stereotype and feel part of the Aussie community.

‘Nobody calls me a wog, anymore’, is an example of many contemporary …show more content…

However, there is another bigger concern to be faced, in the current modern generation. And, that’s mateship. Indeed, ‘mateship’ is a typical word for Australians to describe themselves. However, nowadays mateship isn’t share among all. ‘Boys of Blood and Bone’, which is another example of many contemporary literatures, demonstrate mateship is very important. This novel uttered this through the reoccurring theme of mateship between the two main characters. Throughout the novel, the author has expressed no one will be able to overcome stress and mishaps in life, without a hold of mateship with one another. The relationships with people are interesting as many people in society go through the same thing. The author wrote this for the reason that it is the way humanity was born. No matter if ones cheat or get someone pregnant, people can always related and help you. Thus, it is to be said that we need one another. So, in order word, if this applies to the minorities, Aboriginals and the British Australian, it is to be said that they all need each

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