Auschwitz Birkenau Research Paper

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The Auschwitz Birkenau concentration camp was the most brutal, heart-stopping camp in all of Poland.It is known for its high killing rates.If you were ever sent to this camp you were most likely going to die if you were weak,because they made you work until your bones can't move and with the climate it was hell.It was so terrifying that human bones were scattered everywhere along the dirt. Auschwitz first opened its gates in the spring of 1940.There were three sections to the camp,the first being Auschwitz 1 the original, imprisoned between 15,000 and 20,000 political prisoners.When they first entered through the main gate they were greeted with an ironic inscription,"Work makes you free".Auschwitz ll located in the village of Birkenau was …show more content…

World war 2 was the trademark against Germany and defeating the Nazi members,in which case was successful,but many people today are still believing in the Nazis and what Hitler said about Jews.To this day people from all over the world travel to visit the one and only Auschitz camp, were it holds a symbol to the tragedy that could happen all because of a single man.The survivors that visit sometimes come out crying,because of the cruel things that had happened to their family or their friends. The Auschwitz camp was well guarded with SS soldiers blocking every exit available and if one tried escaping they would be attacked by an attack dog,or simply just shot down.That is the main reason why nobody dared make an escape.Some survivors simply just said that it was virtually impossible to escape the hell that awaits in the camp and the weather that will strike over the camp. Auschwitz has really taught me that the Nazis were as cruel as they sound like because of the evidence we have today,and not forget

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