Augustus A Eulogy

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Hazel Grace Lancaster, a completely normal teenage girl who was diagnosed with Stage 4 Thyroid cancer. Hazel is sixteen years old and she loves to read and write poetry. Hazel finished high school early and is now pursuing a college education at the community college. Every Wednesday, Hazel is forced to attend a support group that is held in the basement of a church. She never liked going there, until the second she laid eyes on the pensive Augustus Waters. Augustus has been on and off with treatment for bone cancer. One of his legs has been amputated just below the knee. After hanging out a few times and getting to know Augustus more, Hazel started to fall in love with him. “You are beautiful, I enjoy looking at beautiful people, and I decided …show more content…

Hazel’s first connection with Augustus was spontaneous. After all the fun things that the two of them did together, I can predict that it is either going to end in a horrible break up, or their cancer is going to take their life early. (And I know it is bad to say that, but a love story like this has to end somehow). The only reason I say this is because Augustus wanted Hazel to practice a eulogy for his funeral, which he thought would be approaching soon. “By the way, will you speak at my funeral?” (Green 257). The twist of fate in this story is that Augustus is now the victim of cancer potentially taking his life, whereas earlier Hazel was in crueler conditions. It is hard to imagine how much pain Hazel is going through, a boy that you fell in love with not too long ago is all of a sudden on his death …show more content…

Is your tumor growing? Is the radiation working? Are your organs all gnarled and you have no idea? Well, there are a million more questions that you could ask a person living with cancer, but even they hardly know what is wrong with their body. Hazel has to drag her tank of oxygen everywhere she goes, and Augustus has to limp around in a fake leg. Can you imagine doing that everyday? The physical toll that cancer has on a human being is unbearable. “You okay?” (Green 201) is a line that Augustus asked Hazel almost every day; her lungs could not withstand much walking. It is ironic because Augustus only has one and a half legs, but still manages to limp around with no

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