Augustine Of Hippo Analysis

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A biography on Saint Augustine is not our primary concern on this writing but, since he was the most important Christian theoretician in the late Roman Empire in the elaboration as stated Marvin Perry in his book, Western Civilization: “A Brief History” (117). It is relevant to stress out that his explanation of the origin of the unity of the human race has evoked the most pertinent questions. Augustine of Hippo or Saint Augustine was born on November 13th, 354 in Tagaste, Algeria then died on August 28th, 430 in Hippo Regius. Saint Augustine, bishop of Hippo in North Africa and author of The City of God, was an early Christian theologian and philosopher who developed the view of life and of the individual about the Christianity. According to Augustine, God is the author and creator of all things including man. God is the creator of Adam, who was created from nothing, and the second Eve, created from the first, Adam. Augustine believed that all human kind derived from this one man, Adam, for 2 reasons; unity and likeness in nature, and to create a bond for humankind through blood relationship hence peace. Because we all brothers and sisters from one …show more content…

Augustine believed that the original sin of our ancestors, Adam and Eve, is the product of pride. Augustine describes pride as the end result of one becoming too pleased with themselves, the consequences on one relying on their own accordance as oppose to that of God. Adam and Eve were so content in the beautiful home God provided for them that Eve but apparently she based on the Christian world views of this chapter humans are sinful creatures with unlimited capacity for doing evil. We are inclined towards a secular world, because that is where we live. The spiritual realm is where we inspire to be, and we aim to imitate Jesus, but constantly fall short due to our unlimited capacity for evil

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