Audrey Hepburn

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Audrey Hepburn once said, "Nothing is impossible. The word itself says, 'I'm possible'!", and over the course of her 63 years she showed the world she could prove it. Born Audrey Kathleen Rouston in Brussels, Belgium, this gamine girl overcame hunger, poverty, war, and abandonment to storm Hollywood with her elegance, grace, stunning iconic fashion, and down to earth personality. In present day Hollywood many stars are known to show admirable gestures of humanitarianism, but although Audrey is considered one of the top three female actors of all time she chose to take her philanthropy to an entirely different level. Audrey Hepburn lived an awing life, and she still made the decision to put aside her Hollywood fame and stand up for those less fortunate who could not speak for themselves.
From the day of her birth on May 4th, 1929, Audrey lived an astounding life. At the early age of just five years old, Audrey was separated from her family for the first time and sent to a boarding school in England where she began her ballet studies. This separation would pale in comparison in a year when England declared war on Germany, and she was sent back to England by her father who then abandoned the family entirely. On May 10, 1940, Germany invaded Holland, and Audrey and her mother were thrown into a life-changing struggle for survival. This didn't dampen Audrey's spirit however, she participated in black out performances and taught ballet to refugee girls in the area before the “hunger winter” set in and she was too weak to dance. It was a traumatic experience, but surviving the invasion gave Audrey the determination she needed to refocus on her goals. After the war she studied ballet in Amsterdam and London, and after being cast in ...

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...hope to children around the world by raising funds and supporting organizations.
Audrey Hepburn was an amazing woman who’s unique personality and iconic style touched the hearts of people all over the world. She was a sensible, goofy, personable actress who had everything in her life that she could desire, and still put her time and effort into helping those around the world who weren’t as fortunate. "If there was a cross between the salt of the earth and a regal queen," Shirley MacLaine told People; that would be Audrey Hepburn. Many people only know her as the beautiful Holly Golightly who sat on a window sill and touched the hearts of the world with her song, but some others will always remember her best as the fairy godmother of their lives who’s deep soul committed to life stepped in to help them when their lives seemed at their darkest and no one else could.

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