Attitude In Life Essay

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IMPORTANCE OF ATTITUDE IN LIFE Introduction Attitude doesn’t show a person’s good or a bad day. Attitude is the views of a person that can be positive or negative. Attitude determines our relationships, career, and our views. It’s actually our way of life. We can’t change our past or what other people think about us. The only thing we can change is our way of dealing with other people and dealing with different situations that represents our attitude. Attitude is like a habit that one can adopt. Attitude reflects our behavior towards other people. Like if you smile at others, the other will smile back at you. The following reasons why we need a positive attitude:- • Helps in dealing with stress and in other situations • Motivation • Attracts towards positive attitude • Provides better health • Self-esteem • Helps to overcome fear Attitude learning and change Attitude learning: Attitude is doing, its everyone position every person before taking an action to do something decided that what is right and what is wrong, good or bad, right or lef. Everyone have to take a decision which path leads him to his expected destination safely. We always look for shortcuts. A teacher also may observe his teachings to his student that what type of impact they making on students when they are going to make choices weather it is positive or negative. There are three components of attitude learning: Cognitive: our understanding, thoughts and faith about the subject is or having knowledge about certain things is cognitive. Like to giving teaching to students that how things are to be done, because without having a prior knowledge they cannot be succeeds and they will not be able to use skills. Behavioral: the way how attitude affect your behavior ... ... middle of paper ... ...ain clues regarding the way in which one can act in certain situation. Attitude of an employee has drastic consequences on the business as a whole, it is tend to either increase or decrease the productivity of a company dramatically. Attitude is basically contagious, and spreads amongst the coworkers in no time. A positive attitude makes the interaction of the co workers more amiable and agreeable, resulting in various positive outcomes. On the other hand, negative attitude encourages decreasing trust and goodwill, harming not only the environment of the workplace but the business as a whole. It is more likely to isolate the workers eventually pushing them to avoid and leave their job. Therefore, it is vital for an employee to have a positive attitude so that he’s more able to focus on his work, which would definitely have pleasant outcomes for him and the business.

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