Atticus Finch Character Development

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To kill a mockingbird is a book where you can witness a constant growth of morality in the character Jean Louise ‘Scout’ Finch. Scout lives with her father, Atticus Finch, her brother, Jeremy Atticus ‘Jem’ Finch, and their black cook, Calpurnia, in Maycomb. She is intelligent and, by the standards of her time and place, a tomboy. Since her mother died when she was about two years old she was raised by Atticus, her father, he is a lawyer with unquestionably strong moral beliefs. He is widower with a dry sense of humor, Atticus has instilled in Jem and Scout his strong sense of morality and justice. An aspect that calls the attention to the book is that it is being told from a kid’s point of view and, this way you can see how they get more mature through the book’s leading and how their perspective changes with age and experiences. What we want to achieve with our project is showing the contrast between scout’s thoughts when the book started and now in her adult years after the book ended. Through the memory book, Scout in her young years had written some of the experiences she had through the book and what she thought about it in the moment and, a few years after the book ended she started to go through its pages again and realized that her thoughts and ideas had changed
A strong and wise woman who knows that “most people are... [‘real nice’] …when you finally see them” (Atticus 31: 354). While she was writing the notes on her diary she reached the end and saw one of her best memories, the turning point in her life; the day she finally met Arthur Radley. Sadly, he was better known in Maycomb as Boo Radley, a recluse who never sets foot outside his house. But to Scout that day she definitely changed her mind and realized that he was a good person injured by the evil of

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