Attention Getter For Domestic Abuse Essay

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Information Speech: Domestically Abused Men

Type of Speech: Speech about a Concept


Attention Getter: How many of you know what domestic abuse is? Domestic Abuse is a relationship based on power and control where one partner. Today I will be talking about abused men.

Background & Audience Relevance: Ray Rice and Emma Roberts are both examples of famous people who abused their significant others, but their reputations have been affected differently. Many people don’t realize both females and males could be abused.

Speaker Credibility: The statistics from the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence say, one in three women and one in four men are physically or sexually abused in their lifetime. That means some of us in …show more content…

i. Sub Point A: Most people believe a woman can’t be abusive, but according to the article, “The Feminization of Domestic Violence” woman caused 42.8% of spouse homicides in 1965 to 1976. This same article talks about a study in which males and females called the police with allegations of abuse, when the females called, 41% of their counterparts were asked to leave the premise, and 15% were arrested. When men called, none of the wives were asked to do anything. This shows the little concern there is for violence against males.

ii. Sub Point B: The TV show What would you do on ABC channel, ran a social experiment. In an earlier episode they portrayed a man hitting a woman and luckily onlookers were quick to jump in and protect the damsel in distress, when they flipped the roles, no body came to aid the man. One woman passing by even cheered the abuser on, and when she was asked why she did, she said “If she hit him, he probably deserved it.” When it comes to men being abused our society victim shames. Society doesn’t see that abusers and victims don’t have a gender.

Transition to 2nd Main Point: Men and women get get abused at equal rates, but people don’t take abused men

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