Atheistic Evolutionism: Exist Evolution, By Sir Julian Huxley

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atheistic evolution
An atheistic evolutionist believes that theistic evolution is not true. The evolution theory made people believe that there is no God because the evolution theory does not agree to the rules of the bible. Atheistic evolutionist believes that people cannot believe in the evolution theory and the bible at the same time. The atheist Sir Julian Huxley said in 1959: “In the evolutionary pattern of thought there is no longer either need or room for the supernatural. The earth was not created, it evolved” (Kautz, 2008). theistic evolution
Theistic evolutionist believe that there is a God and also that the evolution theory. There is two different categories of theistic evolution. The first one is that God exists but he was not directly involved in the creation of life. He created the building blocks and made laws at which the nature should react. After this he stepped back and let the laws he created take over. He therefore no longer decides what happens but rather let life do what it wants whatever it may be. The second option is in contrast to the first theistic evolution theory. People who believe in this second category believe that the evolution theory may be true but if it is true it was God who led this step by step. They believe that he still performed miracles and still do. Theistic evolutionists believe that the earth is billions of years old and that other animals lived long before the human was created. The reason they believe this is because of fossil records. Theistic evolutionists does not believe Genesis 1 of the bible. They do not believe that the earth were created just six days (Houdmann).

old-earth creationism
Old earth creationists believe that God created the universe from nothing and also cr...

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... of human genetics showed that we are closely related to all other organisms on earth. Fossils show when certain innovations were developed. This is proof that the human beings started to become more and more intelligent as time went by. Evolutionists believe that humans acted more animal like a few millions of years ago. It is evident in the way our jaws were shaped that we ate like animals and not with our hands. Our behavior then can be track via fossils. According to scientists their prediction of how old an artifact is can be precisely calculated by using basic laws of physics, chemistry, and Earth sciences. The genes of human beings and that of other species were compared with each other. They found that there is a correlation between them. The human brain started to expand rapidly between 800 000 and 200 000 years ago (Evidence of Evolution, 2014).

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