Aswan is a great city

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Aswan is a greatest state in Egypt, so the tourists come for it from all over the world to see lot of monuments of the ancient Egyptian. Actually Aswan is large Archeological state because of in one day it were the Capital of Egypt. When you walking in Aswan you see a lot of a amazing places and monuments ,you can see the Templates such as aAbo simpl , Edfo,kalabsha and other templates not that only ,but also there are ancient Tombs like El kapish El-mokats in addition of many tombs related to the Fatemyeen which located in the south of Aswan.

No one can forget the islands of Aswan such as El-felah, the plants island and the El-fetan island which consider it was the center of ivory commerce in the past.

Aswan have also modern archeological places like the High Dam,el-noba Museum which opened in November 1997 and El-Akaad school which is the first military school in Egypt built by Mohamed Ali in the modern era.

The High Dam which is the greatest project built in the modern era, there are a lot of advantage like avoid the towns from the floods which happening in the past ever yea...

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