Astronomy Essay

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Astronomy is the branch of science that deals with celestial objects, space, and the physical universe as a whole. Astronomers study everything about galaxies, planets, energy, etc. Astronomers just don’t look through a telescope, they do much more. If they’re really great astronomers, it could land them a spot in NASA, well-known program for technology and science “related to space and air” (National Aeronautics and Space Administration). NASA has some interesting history; For example, NASA creates rockets and usually sends rockets or probes into space so they could study their field more in depth, but there is more than just rockets in NASA history. Today, modern day astronomers have a different job than astronomers back in the ole’ days. Modern day astronomers do more than just look at stars. They have to observe objects without touching them or even being near them. The objects are most likely thousands or even hundreds of thousands of miles away. They observe through a high-powered telescope and camera which allows them to see what the naked eye can’t see. The astronomers record what they see and what they predict. Astronomers must be strong in math subjects and science. Astronomers will have to use their math and science knowledge to create programs and logical and “what-could happen” scenarios. They gather data, findings, and create theories in which they will present to other scientists in their field in meetings. Astronomers will also have to be able to work with a team. If they didn’t work with a team, they wouldn’t really figure anything out by themselves. Astronomers mostly work at night (as if that isn’t obvious). Being an Astronomer could also get you a job in NASA. NASA teams send rockets and probes into space or t... ... middle of paper ... ...ker is $15.07 per hour and $2,320 per month. The job environment at NASA is different than most. NASA hires the top and best college students to continue in their field of search. NASA wants to make the future better and to move forward in technology. An astronomer’s work environment is similar to those who work at NASA. Astronomers want to further their knowledge in their field, basically space, stars, planets, comets, and even black holes. The job of being an astronomer and a NASA worker requires complete dedication, skill, and brains to be able to do your tasks given. The job of these workers is to enrich their field of research and to discover new ideas, objects, and findings. An astronomer works for NASA, so basically, a NASA worker and astronomer are similar in job descriptions. To have a NASA career or be an astronomer takes perseverance and knowledge.

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