Asteroid Research Paper

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My fascination with Asteroids and Near Earth Objects started in 1979. I didn’t have a telescope or any knowledge of the cosmos. Asteroids was a game I played. I went down to the old railroad depot, went into the bar-restaurant, waited my turn, then I would drop five dollars in quarters. One after another, I would lose, quarters and fighter ships, until they were all gone. My little brother Keith was better at playing Asteroids than I, in fact, he was excellent at playing Space Invaders. Keith had the highest Space Invader score at the depot. Space Invaders was a game I hated, made me feel claustrophobic. The further I advanced in Space Invaders, the speed and sound would increase. The invading ships would drop down from the sky, and I would panic. Compared to today’s standards, Asteroids was a simple game, with simple graphics, it was less advanced than Pac-Man but slightly more graphic than Pong. Unfortunately, my mother moved us from Arcadia, Florida back to Lockport, NY. Living in Lockport meant no more video games for me because getting money was difficult, I had to apply for a job. However, when I lived In Arcadia, I stood on a corner at 03:00 AM and we would all get picked up and trucked to work. We worked from sunrise until just after sunset . It didn't matter if it was a school day, as long as I worked like a man, I got paid …show more content…

I would lay on my back and stare up and into the night. I'd lay there in deep thought. I laid there blocking out the noise, and all the things that reminded me that I was still here on earth. Now and then, a fiery ball of light would move fast across the nighttime sky, bending ever so slightly as it flew through our alien atmosphere. Shooting stars is what they are called, however, In my youth, I imagined they were the remains of comets or asteroids that the Army shot down and subsequently foiled the plans of the aliens trying to destroy our

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