Assisted Suicide Argumentative Essay

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Assisted Suicide.
Pain. That's all he feels most days. No matter how many pills they give him. Every now and then it stops for a minute, but that never lasts long at all. The pain is just too much. Most days he just wishes he was dead already. Instead he is forced to live this terrible life. He is surrounded by sadness. He sits in the hospital all day, watching the clock, waiting to die. Soon he will die a slow, drawn out death. Because of the fact that terminally ill people are going to die anyway, they deserve the right to die a dignified death.
Terminal illness is a medical term from 20th century that describes a disease that can not be cured or treated and that will most likely result in the death of the patient within a short period of …show more content…

Some people argue that Assisted Suicide goes against religion and religious beliefs, with statements such as, “in most cases, the incredible existential weight accorded the "natural" process of dying is traceable to a belief that our final days or hours have profound significance for reincarnation, afterlife, or resurrection.” (Cristina L.H. Traina). The simple fact of the matter is that assisted suicide is the terminally ill patient’s choice. If assisted suicide is against some body’s religion it is in no way forced upon them. It is a …show more content…

Their death is long and drawn out. This can be miserable for the terminally ill patient. Assisted suicide gives terminally ill people the right to choose to end their life. This gives the terminally ill person the rights to their own life. "To affect the death of a patient in a dignified and swift manner." (Albert R. Jonsen). Assisted suicide also ends the life of the terminally ill person a quick death, with the help of a physician. This makes the death much simpler, and easier. The most important thing about assisted suicide for terminally ill people is that they are dying on their own terms. It is now their choice. They are choosing to end their own life, not be killed by the disease slowly killing

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