Assisted Fertilisation Research

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Assisted Fertilisation By Trystan Hobart Contents Page: Introduction Introduction to assisted fertilisation...................................................................3 Results Interpretations of the survey..............................................................................4 Tables from the survey......................................................................................4 Graphs from the survey.....................................................................................4 Discussion of the results Significant of results..........................................................................................6 Research topics IVF- in Vitro Fertilisation.....................................................................................7 …show more content…

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is the most common and most effective type of assisted reproductive technology (ART) to help women become pregnant. The IVF procedure involves fertilizing an egg outside the body, in a laboratory dish, and then implanting it in a woman's uterus. Interpretations of the graphs The results from the survey were 50/50 because most of the results were split evenly when the survey was handed out to 12 different people. Question Yes No According to you and your beliefs do you think that assisted fertilisation is ethical? 6 6 If you were in the situation where you could not conceive would you use assisted fertilisation? 6 6 If you conceived a child like this would you tell him/her how they were conceived? 8 4 (The average cost for assisted fertilisation is $12 400 in America) .Do you think the costs are worth the risk of conceiving a child like this? 9 3 If so at what age would you tell him/her how they were conceived? (5-10, 11-15, 16-20) (only 11-15 and 16-20 were chosen by the people who filled out the survey 11-15 16-20 3 …show more content…

6 of the 12 people who filled in the survey said that they would use assisted fertilisation, but as soon as they found out about the costs a few people immediately ticked the box that said no because they cannot afford the expensive prices and it is not 100% guaranteed that it will work so not many people choose not to do this. The more surprising fact was that 25% of the people would not tell their child if they were conceived by assisted fertilisation is a big secret to keep from your child. There is a lot more new technology in today’s world which is giving more and more women the chance to become pregnant which is incredible for them to create a miracle of their own and to raise the child. Research Topics for Assisted Fertilisation There are many different forms of assisted fertilisation like in Vitro Fertilisation (IVF), Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer (GIFT), Surrogacy and Artificial Insemination. In Vitro Fertilisation

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