Assignment: Mythology Research Project

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Assignment: Mythology Research Project

In The Yoruba and Madagascar myths of creation, the beginning of the

world was a formless Chaos which was neither sea nor land. Orisha Nla, also

called the Great God, was sent down from the sky to the Chaos by Olorun, the

Supreme Being. His obligatory mission was to create solid land and to aid him

in the accomplishment of this task, he was given a snail shell, a pigeon, and a

five-toed hen. After the earth and land were separated, a chameleon was sent

with Orisha Nla to inspect his work and report to the Supreme Being. Olorun was

satisfied with the good things reported to him and sent Orisha Nla to finish.

He planted trees, Olorun made rain water fall from the sky and grew the seeds

into a great forest. The creation of earth took four days and on the fifth

Orisha Nla rested from his work.

Orisha fashioned the first people from earth for Olorun, but only the

Supreme Being was able to give them life. Orisha Nla hid in his workshop trying

to watch him, but a spell of deep sleep was cast onto him so that only Olorun

knew the secret. He made the first man and woman and their daughter and her

husband. The rest of the human beings descended from the them.

As time passed, the Creator noticed that as humans multiplied and

prospered, they gave thanks to Mother Earth but forgot about him. He decided

thenceforth to take the souls of half the humans signifying a tribute.

In the myth, Why Men Must Die told by the Zulu's of Natal in South

Africa, we are told how because of a slow moving tiny animal man-kind suffered

and still does of mortality. The first man on earth, also a god, sent the

chameleon to give humans the message that they will be like the gods and never

die promptly. Because he took too long to travel to mankind and spread the good

news, he sent a viper out of annoyance with the message that he changed his mind

and they will not live forever.

In the Egyptian creation story my group has studied, everything descends

from Nu, the sea. His son Ra, becomes the Creator and makes a god for

everything in our world: Shu, the wind god, his consort Tefnut, “The Spitter”,

brought rain, Seb, the earth god, Nut, goddess of the firmament, who were the

parents of Osiris and his consort Isis, and Set and his consort Nepthys.

The story also tells about sins that people had since their earliest

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