Assignment 3

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CITI Course and Ethics Paper
In 1982 the company Johnson & Johnson, recalled 31 million bottles of Tylenol from store shelves after eight people in the United States died from cyanide-laced capsules. The recall cost Johnson & Johnson $240 million dollars and cut its profit on five billion dollars in revenue in 1982 by almost 50 percent. Although the tampering was no fault towards the company, Johnson & Johnson decided to act before it had complete information on the entirety of the unfortunate situation. As a result, the Tylenol product containers were redesigned and new tamperproof packaging was introduced. The company’s immediate response to the problem saved the Tylenol brand and won the company admiring reviews for their immediate action and their ethical and moral prowess. The move turned out to be a huge marketing coup for the company of which resulted in significant goodwill from customers (Seglin, 2000). Johnson & Johnson’s ethical practice proved to be a great guide, displaying the imperative of being both socially and ethically accountable for the lives of others.
As it pertains to research, it is the moral obligation of the researcher to be good stewards of those whom participate within their research studies and possess an obligation to keeping them safe. Within this second part of this two part assignment, this writer will review his intended dissertation research and consider any ethical concerns of which could be displayed.
The purpose of this writer’s research is to conduct a qualitative correlation research study in which determines that spiritual growth within the lives of people in the context of Christian Education initiatives in African-American churches are an issue with a pedagogical approach. With...

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Roberts, L. W., Geppert, C. M. A., Coverland, J., Louie, A., & Edenharder, K. (2005). Ethical and regulatory considerations in educational research. Academic Psychiatry, 29(1), 1-5.

Seglin, J. L. (2000). The good, the bad, and your business: Choosing right when ethical dilemmas pull you apart. Kittery Point, Maine: Smith/Kerr Associates LLC.

Washington, H. (2006). Medical apartheid: The dark history of medical experimentation on black Americans from colonial times to the present. New York: Doubleday.

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