Assessment of the Claim that the Family Has Become Increasingly Symmetrical

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Assessment of the Claim that the Family Has Become Increasingly Symmetrical Many sociologists have different perspectives on whether or not the family has become increasingly symmetrical. Some sociologists such as Willmott and Young believe that the family does not consist of conjugal roles where the couple have separate roles, such as the women carrying out the expressive role and the male carrying out the instrumental role. Whereas there are other assumptions that have been made by other sociologists, such as Ann Oakley, a feminist, who believes that household roles are not joint, the cohabiting couple do not share household tasks like childcare and housework. Writers such as Willmott and Young have argued that contemporary family life in Britain is becoming increasingly symmetrical. While there remains some forms of role segregation, modern families place emphasis on both joint conjugal roles and an overall equality of household roles. They see family life as gradually improving for all its members and that families are becoming more democratic and equal. They did a study of families living in London and they found that the symmetrical family was more common amongst younger couples, those that are socially isolated and generally families that are better off. They also see the rise of the symmetrical nuclear family as the result of the major social changes that have taken place over past years. Ann Oakley claims that the family is not symmetrical, roles are still segregated and that roles are socially constructed, stemming from the fact the society and the family are patriarchal. She criticises Willmot and Young’s clai... ... middle of paper ... ...all sample to apply to everyone in Britain. Aswell as this they interviewed the couple’s together, therefore putting pressure on the wives to say that their husbands did more than they actually did. In light of the above evidence, women are still a long way away from real symmetry of roles in the family, as proved by Oakley, Pahl, Edgell and Duncombe and Marsden. All these sociologists have given some kind of evidence towards the fact that there has been a slight movement toward equality, but ultimately women still take the prime responsibility for the household tasks and childcare, and they still have less power in the relationship within the family and economically. All of this evidence towards a non symmetrical family has disproved Willmott and Young’s theory of symmetry in the family, although not completely.

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