Assessment of the British Evacuation of Children During World War II

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Assessment of the British Evacuation of Children During World War II The main aim of evacuation was to protect Britain’s children form the threat of a German Blitz. Between the 1st and 3rd of September 1939 over 1.5 children, pregnant women and disabled people were evacuated to rural areas in mainland Britain. In my essay I am going to determine weather or not this objective was met and look at many different sources to see if there is any conflict in opinion. Whether evacuation was or was not a success is a controversial issue. There are four main viewpoints to this argument which all have to be considered. The first is The Government; it was their idea for evacuation to take place and it was them who organised a great deal or it. Obviously any sources written by the government at that time would be bias because they would want people to believe that they were successful. The government were very keen to get as many children evacuated as quickly as possible. They wanted to do this for the safety of the children, propaganda and morale. To convince parents to let their children go they put up posters and made parents feel guilty if they didn’t. Another major side of the argument is from the parent, some were very keen for their children to be evacuated and thought that it was the safest thing to do. Other parents were reluctant to let their children go because they didn’t think that the ‘Blitz’ was coming. They also didn’t want their children to go because they would miss them and they didn’t have a clue where they were going or who they would be stopping with. Source E shows the viewpoint of a parent reluctant to let her son get evacuated. She feels that he would not get treated properly in Wales and is worried that if she died then her son would be stranded out their. Whereas if he was not evacuated and she died then he could go and live with local friends and families.

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