Assess The Difference Between Kantianism And Utilitarianism

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There are many views on ethical theory, everyone has a different opinion on what is ethical and what is moral in others’ lives. Two main examples of ethical theories are Utilitarianism and Kantianism. Utilitarianism is why our actions should promote the greater good of all. Kantianism is why we should look at our intentions of the particular actions we take. Immanuel Kant came up with his own ideas when working with ethical theory, Kantianism. These 2 theories are very different from each other. They both try to understand what is best for people. Kantianism was known as a critique of utilitarianism. Instead of thinking only about the end result, you should not use others as a means to an end. There are many contrast between utilitarianism …show more content…

154). There are many sub divisions of utilitarianisms, act and rule utilitarianism. Act utilitarianism is the simplest form, it determines the right choice that will have the best consequences for the welfare of everyone. Rule utilitarianism follows the same moral code that is used that would be best for your society. Hedonism idea is to view our actions to make sure we are promoting happiness not just for ourselves but also the people around us. The actions we take should be for whatever will work best to benefit everyone in the long run, just for the moment. “During one of Joshua Greene debates after he learned about utilitarianism argument of making our actions be used to benefit the well-being of others. In the debate, the opponent was arguing the value of free speech, Greene asked if free speech was an important value is the debates and there for has no other values that can precedence over free speech, with the opponent answering yes. Greene’s argument concluded with if someone in a crowded theater decided it would be fun to shout “Fire”, which ended up causing people to rush to the exit of the movie theater and for few to be trampled and die” (Greene, 2013, pg. 108). Was having the right of free speech to shout fire outweigh the right of being trampled to death in the chaos of the theater. The utilitarian …show more content…

You are standing on a bridge over the rail way tracks, you see a trolley coming and on the other side there are five people who are stuck the track. If no action is taken those five people will be killed by the oncoming trolley. On the bridge with you there is another man who is wearing a backpack, if he were to jump in front of the trolley then the five people will be saved. He is not willing to jump and you cannot stop the train by jumping because you do not have the backpack on. You could push the man off the bridge to save the five people, which would cause the man to die or do nothing and have the 5 people die on the tracks (Greene, 2013, pg. 114). This is a very personal example of choosing the Kantianism view or the utilitarianism view. Kantian view is to not push the man off the bridge because you are using him as a mere means. If he is not willing to jump to save the five people then you are not allowed to do anything. The utilitarian side is to push the man off the bridge. Using the man to stop the trolley will be best for the greater good by saving five other people. Because this is such a personal decision of choosing whether or not to push the man off the bridge, many people see this as morally wrong and would choose to not use the man as a mere

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