Aspirational Shame Case Study

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3. The main problems and responses to “aspirational shame” cases
There are four main reasons explaining for the feeling aspirational shame in Mormon women.
• Other people’s feeling: No ability for pursuing higher education, no ability to be a good mother
• No family support
• The guilty of leaving children at home and let other people raise their children
• The struggle between their personal desires and what they are taught in Church, other missions outside this traditional Mormon culture is unacceptable.
Most of the reasons interfering the desires of Mormon females come from their thought and the person they have close relationships such as family, husbands or friends. Most of them in Church convinced them that their thoughts are flawed, …show more content…

They need to change their thinking, realize their value which is not only being mothers as the missions that the God given, but also, they can discover and develop their personal career growth. They understand that they are in charge of their life and nothing else matters. When moving belief, creating a healthy attitude and having their confidence that they can balance themselves between being a mother and working, Mormon women can resolve their aspirational shame, develop their talents and continuing to learn …show more content…

Most of them point out that the support of their husband helps them get more confidence when making decisions for themselves and solve aspirational shames (88 comments equivalent to 15.14%). They can share household duties together or hire a housekeeper, then the wife has more time to care about themselves and their careers. If the husband cannot sympathize and support for their dreams, women are willing to leave their marriage life or find another who have more understanding.
The second external factor is the women’s family and children. Many young women highly respect the role of family background. The women whose parents are educated fully or backed to education after a long time staying at home have more courage to overcome stereotypes. Meanwhile, focusing on their desire and achievement outside housework may bring their children a good example to see how they work

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