Aspects of Physical Wellbeing

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When it comes to exercise, many people tend to over exercise on the first day of working out. This causes the muscles to become sore and painful, which leads to a delay in the work out for the next day or two. This can also causes them to over eat due to the work out being so extreme. By getting your timing and food selection in sync with your activity you can maximize your energy throughout the day. A person that is physically well gets enough sleep, eats a well-balanced diet, and has a positive out-look on life.

Being physically well can also be a spiritual awakening. Treating the body as the most important vehicle that you have through life is a beginning. Taking care of your body and mind starts by telling yourself on a daily basis that you can have a great day no matter what else happens. Staying positive when people around you are talking negative and staying focused on your over all goal in life. Eating balanced meals helps fuel the body and mind, the body needs foods that will help keep it functioning to its maximum level. Foods that are high nutrients will give the body the energy it needs to maintain healthy organs. Remember you are what you eat and if we eat healthy are bodies will function well. If we feed our bodies sugary sweets our bodies will have an overload, this causes the cells to react less than optimal. It also causes the body to be starved of nutrients that we should be giving the body so it can run smoothly. The foods that we need to eat to maintain these levels are as follows.

By eating a balance breakfast with whole grain cereals, oatmeal, and toast is a great way to start the day. Whole grains provide the body with vitamins such as vitamins Band E. Whole grain is not the same as wheat, Whole wheat is...

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...rcising, because doing repetitive workouts day after day can cause boredom while exercising. Rotating my workouts to include aerobic classes and other activities will make the workouts more enjoyable. Being injured can delay my workouts, but by taken all the safety precaution when working out can keep me out to the doctor’s office and help me maintain the routine. Taking time to perform each exercise and monitoring my movements reduces my chances of injury.

I have already started working out, but I’m looking forward to implementing my diet along with logging my daily progress. This will keep me motivated through the months. I plan staying on top of goals by reading fitness magazines and other internet articles on wellness. I believe that I can accomplish my goal in the time allowed by relying on the support of my family and friends.

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