Ashes By Pfeffer Analysis

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“Your one in a million” (Pfeffer, 4), calmly sad by Ashes dad. The short story “Ashes”; is about a girl with divorced parents, with her mother having mostly full custody of her. In the beginning she is hanging out with her dad, at the end she is making a life decision. Did Ashes take the money or not? Ashes took the money because her mother is strict and didn't love her a lot, her dad loves her a lot, and she didn’t want to let her dad down.
Ashes mom had mostly full custody of her as you know, so Ashes has seen her bad side.
According to the text, “With mom, there are a lot of rainy days and she takes a grim sort of pleasure in being ready for them” (Pfeffer, 1). Ashes mom is negative, she didn't come with a natural smile, this quote is sorta …show more content…

As said in the passage, “You're the special one Ashes. You’re the one-in-a-million girl.” (Pfeffer, 2). Ashes dad is fun, exciting, and he boost her with confidence. When Ashes mom just fead her, cared for her, and picked her up from school. She never cared extra. Used in the story, “For a special date with my daughter?” (Pfeffer, 2). Ashes dad has showed that he’d do anything for her, Ashes mom on the other hand has not . Ashleigh knows her mom loves her, but she can't tell everyday if she does, meaning some days her mom is super happy with a smile and other days she's grumpy with a bitter look. Showed from the text “You’re ten thousand better than i deserve” (Pfeffer, 3). Constantly this quote is repeated. Ashes dad overwhelms her with nice little sayings. Ashes loves her dad, and he loves her 100 times …show more content…

Selected out of the passage “I looked at dad and realized he had those same fantasies. Well why not. I was his daughter after all.” (Pfeffer, 3). Ashes doesn't want to lose someone she shares so much alike with. Asserted straight out of the text “The money’s still in the teapot” (Pfeffer, 4). You and i both know that Ashes trust her dad, after telling him this. I know Ashes wasn't supposed to tell anyone this information reading how she says this and that she regrets it. “I could hear my Father's car keening in the distance. ‘You’re one in a million’, it cried.” (Pfeffer, 4). Ashes dad depends on her. She can't decide rather to lose her dad's trust or her mom’s. Letting her dad down would disappoint him. The question she ponders, is this

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