As I Lay Dying Open Response

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In William Faulkner’s novel As I Lay Dying, the Bundren family, is faced with losing the matriarch, Addie (Ma) Bundren. Throughout the novel the family struggles with the differences in their personalities, no character is like any other. Faulkner uses these characters’ different traits, to allow the reader to understand that everybody has a different perspective on what is normal and what is not. Addie Bundren is a woman who is surrounded by people, however she feels isolated at from the world, rarely allowing anybody to see who she truly is. When Addie’s father was alive he would say that the only purpose for life is to “get ready to stay dead” with this being crammed into her head Addie never seeks out any other purpose, other than to get ready to die. Her lack of motivation contributes to her lack of empathy towards human kind. Before Addie marries Anse Bundren (Pa), she is a school teacher, one that seemed to almost sadistically enjoy punishing the children saying that. When she punished them she basically made the children feel as alone as she feels thinking to herself “No...

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