Arthur Miller's Antigone: The Tragic Hero

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“Then she(Antigone) must die; but her death will cause another” (page 719, line 119) haimon. Antigone, a young princess and a tragic hero, for love of her brothers she is sentenced to death. A tragic hero is someone who has suffered because of their: reversal of fortune, tragic flaw, recognition, nobility, tragic irony, etc. We have two types of tragic heroes. The first type is the one of the ancient Greeks and Shakespeare in which the Tragic Hero belongs to the upper strata of the society-normally a King or a Prince. He is basically a good person, but falls due to his Hamartia- his tragic flaw which varies. In the modern definition by Arthur Miller, Tragic hero can be any common man and he also has a tragic flaw. But in both cases, the tragic hero loses his battle against the cosmic forces, trying to retain his dignity and honour.

In the movie signs the …show more content…

Do to her loses Antigone felt as though it was unjust that only one of her brothers were buried. Antigone took into her own hands and buried her other brother just enough, even though it was now against the law for Antigone to bury him. To Antigone it was her duty to bury her brother, and to Graham from signs it was his duty to protect his family from the aliens. in total Antigone and Graham were alike because of their own trials and loses. Antigone’s lose was far worse than Graham’s but they still show how you should be prepared for anything and for tragedy like death or trials like these. we learn that suffering is universal no matter where you are. no matter how much you make, everyone will suffer at some point. no one can escape suffering so tragic heroes teach us how to deal with suffering. the tragic heroes in this movie(sings) teach us that life is unpredictable, so we have to be ready for anything even if weŕe scared we need to be

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