Arrival of a Stranger - Personal Narrative

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Arrival of a Stranger - Personal Narrative It was the last day of the school year; Mr Phillips was directing everybody into the school hall, the front row was full of giddy first years delaying the start, "every body please be quiet, john Roberts see me after assembly" "ok as you all should know already, Tomorrow, the year elevens will each be assigned a foreign exchange student who will be staying with them for the next 6 weeks, the list of names and information is in the cross corridor and as from Tomorrow the students will arrive for the summer." I was nervous, I had never before met a foreign person, and I had no clue as to what he/she might be like. I approached the list of names anxiously as a crowd of people covered my view, all with the same intentions as mine, everybody was pushing and shoving, trying to see the name of there assigned student. And as I finally struggled through, I saw it… Student - Chris Parker - Assigned student - Emanuel Sanchez - Spain. Emanuel Sanchez, the person who was soon to be spending summer living with me I kept thinking of what this boy would look like, what would he wear? How would he speak? Will he be friendly? Then came the end of the day, no more school, we were walking home for the last time "where's yours from Chris?" Said Ricky sanders, obviously referring to my assigned foreign student. "Hes from Spain, and hes called Emanuel Sanchez" "mines from Belgium, I bet they can't even speak English!" Ricky was about average height for his age, and always made a joke out of things, he was a popular boy and everyone knew his name, whereas I liked to have just a small group of friends. So I said goodbye to Ricky and went into my house, there was a suitcase it the hallway, "Mum what's this suitca -… oh" as I walked into the living room there he was, a tall half caste boy,

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