Arranged Marriage: Past, Present, Future

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Would you be able to tell if a couple has an arranged marriage by looking at them? In the past, arranged marriage was a common occurrence in countries and regions across the globe. While arranged marriage has diminished in modern times, many places still marry that way. In those places, arranged marriage has evolved and developed in some regions, while stagnating in other areas. Additionally, different countries have diverse customs and beliefs that explain the tradition of arranged marriage and why it still occurs today. Numerous countries have roots that stem from hundreds of years ago, which is exhibited in classic writings. Arranged marriage in Shakespeare’s, “Romeo and Juliet”, can compare to modern day arranged marriage in regions of India, Japan and Pakistan.
Perhaps the finest example of arranged marriage is contemporary India adheres to their long withstanding custom of arranged marriage. For hundreds of years marriages have been arranged, yet the modern day perceptions of arranged marriages in India are melancholy. However, when asked about their arranged marriage an Indian man and woman’s answers were on the contrary. In an interview, the woman described their courtship, “It was like being set up on a blind date but both of us knew it would end in marriage between us.” The husband elaborated on their first months together by saying, “Like all new things, being married to her took some getting used to but we adjusted and we figured it out.” When asked how their marriage is today the woman replied, “We’re pretty good at things now that we’ve been together for 20 years.” Throughout the interview of the husband and wife it was obvious they loved each other despite being arranged to be married. Their story shows ...

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...p are present in marriages today. In India, Japan, and Pakistan have similarities to the past such as the couple having no input into the marriage and the two parties in the marriage being unequal. However, some arranged marriages are successful and loving and contradict the common notion that arranged marriages are corrupt and negatively impact everyone involved. Finally, after hundreds of years arranged marriage remains present in the modern world and will extant in the future due to cultures and customs continuing the tradition.

Works Cited

"Marriage Ever-changing Institution." Japan Times RSS. n.p., Web. 11 Apr. 2014.
Shah, Akhil. Personal interview. 15 Apr. 2014.
Shah, Preeti. Personal interview. 15 Apr. 2014.
Shakespeare, William. “The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet.” Prentice Hall Literature. Ed.
Unknown. Boston: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007. 800-805. Print.

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